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7 Simple Copywriting Frameworks to 10x Your Corporate Blog Traffic

In 2023, half of the world's population is actively engaging in social media daily.

Half of our smartphone time takes social-media scrolling.

This equals around 2 hours each day.

Meanwhile, our attention span lasts a mere 8 seconds.

This makes us skim through content to find what we're looking for.


Because not every piece of content is engaging.

Our team has gathered 7 actionable copywriting frameworks to write effective copy.

1. FAB Framework

FAB stands for Features, Advantages, Benefits. Begin by showing what's special about your product or service – highlight the features – these are the real things that make it different. These might be real-time collaboration tools, an intuitive user interface, advanced data analytics or whatever you offer. These features should form the foundation of your product and differentiate it from other solutions on the market.

Then, move on to the good things these features bring, by explaining how they fix issues or meet needs. For example, explain how the real-time collaboration tools enable remote teams to work seamlessly together, regardless of their geographical locations.

Lastly, illustrate the advantages your audience will enjoy, like saving time, money, or reducing stress. Keep in mind, it's not only about what your product does, but how it makes your audience's life better.

2. PAS Framework

PAS stands for Pain, Agitation, Solution.The name already gives us a hint about how the framework works.

First of all, start by identifying your reader’s problem. Let`s imagine that your readers face some hurdles in coordinating complex projects and maintaining team alignment. Your task is to make these problems feel worse by describing the emotional toll – the frustration of missed opportunities, the strain on team relationships, and the anxiety of project derailment. Convey the ramifications of mismanaged projects, such as dissatisfied clients, damaged reputation, and lost revenue. Allow your audience to resonate with these emotions, understanding the gravity of the situation.

Then, introduce your solution – your product or service – which brings relief and a better future. Showcase how it streamlines communication, centralizes tasks, and enhances collaboration. Paint a bright future where teams effortlessly manage projects, hit milestones ahead of schedule, and bask in the satisfaction of delivering successful outcomes.This framework encourages your audience to look for the help you offer.

3. The Hero, Hub, and Hygiene Framework

This framework ensures a well-rounded approach to keeping your audience captivated.

Hero content is your showstopper – the big, attention-grabbing piece. As your hero content can be a high-profile live event with industry leaders. But it shouldn`t generate only immediate buzz but also positions your business as a trailblazer in the field.

Hub content should keep your audience engaged regularly strengthen your brand's authority and foster a community of like-minded individuals who rely on your expertise. Hosting weekly "Wisdom Webinars" can be perfect example of hub content.

Meanwhile, Hygiene content focuses on essential topics that address your audience's needs. It could take the form of "Essential Toolkit Guides." These comprehensive resources cover foundational concepts, step-by-step methodologies, and practical tips relevant to your niche, helping to establish trust with potential clients seeking guidance.

4. Tofu Mofu Bofu Framework

In the realm of content marketing, the Tofu Mofu Bofu framework turns your content into a compass, enabling to engage with diverse clientele throughout their decision-making process and guide them towards meaningful solutions.

At the Top of the Funnel (Tofu), your goal is to attract and educate a wide audience. These are people who might be unaware of their problem or your solution. Your copy should focus on providing valuable information and creating awareness. For a fitness blog, for example, it can be blog posts like "10 Common Fitness Myths Debunked" or "The Beginner's Guide to Healthy Eating," which aim to educate readers about the importance of fitness and nutrition.

In the Middle of the Funnel (Mofu), your audience is aware of their problem and potential solutions. They are seeking more in-depth information and are considering different options. Your copy should provide detailed insights and build trust. Taken the same fitness niche as an example, offer a detailed workout regimen or explain various exercise techniques.

The Bottom of the Funnel (Bofu) is where your audience is ready to make a decision. They are actively looking for the best solution and are close to converting. Your copy should focus on overcoming any final objections and encouraging the conversion. Here the persuasive case studies work the best.

5. AIDA Framework

A classic in the world of copywriting, the AIDA framework breaks down the stages of a persuasive message: Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action.

Attention: Catch people's notice with an interesting headline.

Interest: Keep them engaged with hot and share-worthy content.

Desire: Make them want what you offer by showing its value.

Action: Encourage them to act by giving a clear call to action.

Nailed it!

6. Power of the 3 V's

Copywriting is all about communication, and the 3 V's – Value, Variety, and Voice – are your communication allies.

Provide valuable insights, information, or solutions that resonate with your audience. For example, for a website development agency it can be a blog post titled "10 Essential Features Every Business Website Needs" that helps your audience understand the importance of a well-constructed website.

Keep your content engaging and fresh by incorporating different formats, examples, or approaches. Create a series of case studies showcasing different projects you've completed. Each case study could highlight a unique challenge, approach, and solution, incorporating a mix of text, images, infographics, or short videos.

Infuse your unique brand personality and style into your writing to make it relatable and memorable. On your agency's "About Us" page, instead of using generic language, infuse your unique voice into the description. For instance, you could use a friendly and approachable tone to describe your team's passion for turning clients' dreams into reality.

7. S.E.X.I. Framework

No, it's not what you're thinking! S.E.X.I. stands for Story, Emotion, X-factor, and Impact. Craft a compelling story that hooks your audience emotionally. People remember stories much more than facts and statistics, ensuring your message stays with them. Stir up their emotions by addressing their desires and pain points. Add the X-factor – that unique element that sets you apart. Finally, drive home the impact – how your product or service will transform their lives for the better.

While each of the mentioned copywriting frameworks has its unique structure and approach, there are several common threads that run through all of them.

  • All the frameworks prioritize understanding and addressing the needs, desires, pain points, and motivations of the target audience. Effective copywriting hinges on knowing your audience inside out and tailoring your message to specific persona.

  • Each framework emphasizes the importance of creating an emotional connection with the audience. Whether it's by addressing pain points, arousing desire, or telling a compelling story, evoking emotions is a powerful way to engage readers and make your message memorable.

  • The frameworks guide you in highlighting the problems or challenges your audience faces and positioning your product or service as the solution. This problem-solution alignment is a central aspect of persuasive copywriting that convinces readers of the value your offering provides.

  • Most of the frameworks follow a structured sequence or flow, guiding the reader from capturing attention to building interest, stirring desire, and ultimately driving action. This logical progression helps keep the reader engaged and leads them to the intended outcome.

  • A strong and clear call to action is a common feature across these frameworks, and one of the most common mistakes many businesses do in their copy. Encouraging readers to take a specific action – whether it's making a purchase, signing up, or sharing content – is a pivotal element of persuasive copywriting.

In essence, these common elements form the backbone of persuasive copywriting, providing a solid foundation for crafting messages that resonate, connect, and finally bring to sales!

At Vertigo we specialize in helping tech-driven SMBs and startups transform content into powerful channels that drive revenue and business growth organically.

Our team of expert content creators understands the nuances of your industry, the aspirations of your target audience, and the dynamics of social media platforms. With a keen eye for trends and a passion for storytelling, we craft content that doesn't just ride the wave – we create the wave!

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